I am feeling alittle like I am wasting my time with it lately. Posts just don't get seen. I have a lot of likes on my page.
The Sticky Wrapper

Sadly, I am lucky if I get more then 100 people to see anything I post.

13 people? really???
Then, there are some posts that get a little more

157 people saw this post
Yes, that is my picture.
I do not see the pattern on why some post do better then others. I can stick the link in the comment and I get similar results. It's frustrating and a little crazy. I get they need to make money, but to switch things up so drastically???
So, I feel like my time would be better spent on other sites. I will spend more time on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and try to figure out Google Plus. :)
Does anyone have any words of wisdom??? :)
This happens on my page as well, usually between 40-60 people see each post, which isn't very many :( I don't post very often either. It's hard with how Facebook has decided to develop their site.
ReplyDeleteDo you promote somewhere else?? What other sites do you use?